Professional Careers of Senior Regional Officials after Leaving Office

  • D. Tev
Keywords: regional elite, vice-governors, career, administration, business


The article is devoted to the study of professional careers of senior regional officials after leaving office. The object of the research, covering all subjects of the Russian Federation, is the highest layer of regional administrative elite, directly adjacent to the governors, including vice-governors, chairmen and vice-chairmen of regional government, vice-presidents, who have left their positions during the period from 2000 to 2012. The empirical basis of the study is a biographical database containing information on the professional career of the former 1250 such persons. The author concludes that with all the diversity of career paths, the dominant trend is a continuation of work in the administrative area (professionalization) and the transition into the economic structures, usually to key positions. In general, it is noted that although sometimes the former vice-governors take modest posts they generally occupy leading, often key positions in various organizations and in many cases remain belonging to the power elites of different levels and functional specialization. According to the author, the career paths of former senior regional officials may serve as a form of expression and means to consolidate the relations developing between the various power structures and elites. In particular, the transition of the retired regional officials into key positions in the legislative assemblies, municipal authorities and businesses in many cases reflects and reinforces the dependence of these structures on the regional administration. However, at the same time such recruitment expands their lobbying opportunities regarding the executive power of the region. In short, career transitions of officials can build networks of influence and control, linking the regional administrative elite with other power groups.
How to Cite
Tev, D. (2015). Professional Careers of Senior Regional Officials after Leaving Office . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 18(4), 37–52. Retrieved from