Sociology in the Work of the Historian Ivan Luchitskiy

  • S. Pogodin
Keywords: sociology, history, Ivan Luchitskiy, positivism, France, Russia, Little Russia, Ukraine


The article discusses the legacy of the Russian historian Ivan Luchitskiy. Some influence on the formation of his world view had the works of G. Gervinus, L. Buechner, J. Moleschott, L. Feuerbach. The views of H.T. Buckle imbued with faith in the power of reason and social progress, his hatred of clericalism, his belief in the possibility of using scientific methods have made a major impact on Ivan Luchitskiy. The book «Cours de philosopie positive» by Auguste Comte defined his philosophical outlook. The author explores the philosophical conception of positivism, which has become a key methodological principle in Luchitskiy’s works. He considers in detail his work on the history of Russia and Ukraine, particularly on the history of communal farming, and analyzes his work on world history. However, Luchitskiy’s major works were devoted to the history of the French Revolution. These works have been written on the basis of rich archival material, resulting from several academic visits to France. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the philosophical and sociological views of the historian. In conclusion, the author assesses Ivan Luchitskiy’s contribution to the science of sociology.
How to Cite
Pogodin, S. (2015). Sociology in the Work of the Historian Ivan Luchitskiy . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 18(1), 51–61. Retrieved from
History of Russian Social Thought