Pitirim Sorokin’s Theory of Creative Altruism: The Global Perspective

  • A. Dolgov
Keywords: altruism, social solidarity, morality, power, state, globalization


During 1940-1960 Pitirim A. Sorokin published a few works focused on the problems of altruism. Studies of unselfish behavior phenomena in the late Sorokin`s works got the status of a complex project in the Harvard Research Center in Creative Altruism. The Research Center investigations were directed to revive the interest of the social sciences to the study of such kind of phenomena as altruism, morality, values and social solidarity, and help to solve current social and political problems. P. Sorokin conceptualized and operationalized the concept of “altruism” by using the integrated approach. He analyzed the phenomenon of unselfish behavior at the micro-, meso- and macro levels, paying special attention to the biological, psychological, social and cultural elements of this phenomenon. Based on his own research Sorokin took the next step by developing a program of social and cultural reconstruction. Comprehensive and consistent reform oriented to the altruization of interpersonal and intergroup relationships, according to the sociologist, must affect personality, society and culture. The article analyzes Pitirim A. Sorokin’s creative altruism theory in context of global problems. In Sorokin’s works the stable peaceful development is associated with the formation of universal human solidarity based on universal altruism. According to Sorokin we can prevent the global conflicts, stop totalitarian and authoritarian tendencies, and lay the basis for the stable development through unlimited altruism only. But the main problem of global altruization is the state system making the out-group antagonism. The author suggests possible solutions and emphasizes the actuality of P. Sorokin’s ideas.
How to Cite
Dolgov, A. (2015). Pitirim Sorokin’s Theory of Creative Altruism: The Global Perspective. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 18(2), 32–44. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/337
History of Russian Social Thought