Russian Sociology at the Turn of Epochs (1918-1919): Pitirim Sorokin and The Institute for Socio-Bibliology

  • M. Lomonosova
Keywords: history of sociology, Russian sociology, Pitirim Sorokin, sociological theory, bibliography, archival documents


The author investigates the unique historical materials pertaining to Russian social science. She highlights the critical period in the history of Russia and Russian science — the period after the Revolution of 1917. Despite the extremely difficult and inhuman conditions social science in Russia continued to develop. The article describes the history of foundation and development of the Institute for Socio-Bibliology (1918 - 1921). A special place and role in the Institute was held by P. Sorokin, who is primarily responsible for transforming bibliographic research into sociological research. Moreover, it is within the framework of the Institute that "M. Kovalevsky’s Russian Sociological Society" resumed its activities interrupted by revolutionary upheavals in 1917. The author explores previously unknown facets of P. Sorokin’s works of “the Russian period”, particularly his research on altruism. The author concludes that the problematic of altruism, altruistic love and moral revival in his "late American period" is rooted in Russian academic tradition and Sorokin’s political activity till the moment of his exile from Russia.
How to Cite
Lomonosova, M. (2015). Russian Sociology at the Turn of Epochs (1918-1919): Pitirim Sorokin and The Institute for Socio-Bibliology. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 18(2), 5–14. Retrieved from
History of Russian Social Thought