Between the Ethnographic Group and the People: the National Discourse of Kashubian and Silesian Activists in Contemporary Poland

  • Oleksandr Vasiukov National Research University Higher School of Economics in Saint-Petersburg; European University at Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Kashubians; Silesians; Poland; ethnic minority; ethnic activism.


This article is focused on analysis of the national discourse produced by activists of the Kashubian and Silesian ethnic movements in contemporary Poland. Kashubians and Silesians are the West Slavic ethnic groups that traditionally lived in the area of Polish-German cultural contact. For many years both groups have been described in Polish scientific and political discourse as ethnographic groups of Poles. Although, today there are organizations and activists among these communities, which demand the recognition of Kashubians and Silesians as separate peoples and their inclusion in the list of legally recognized ethnic minorities in Poland. The article shows the results of a field study that was carried out in the autumn of 2018 in Pomeranian and Silesian Voivodeships of Poland. The author has realized the series of semi-structured in-depth interviews with the members of several Kashubian and Silesian organizations. The main topic of discussions was connected with current and desired legal status, strategies and the main difficulties on the way of its achievement. The author also investigates the strategies of ethnic self-presentation among Kashubian and Silesian activists and their reception of contemporary national policy in Poland. The research has revealed that there is a strong desire to improve legal status among Kashubian and Silesian activists. Many ethnic activists note the insufficient attention from the state, as well as disrespectful attitude from the ethnic majority in the country. Despite a thorough understanding of all shortcomings of a current legal status, Kashubian and Silesian activists express a weak understanding of the opportunities that can be achieved through the status of ethnic minority. Ethnic activists perceive such a status as an evidence of the democratization in Polish society and demonstration of respect for them.
How to Cite
Vasiukov, O. (2019). Between the Ethnographic Group and the People: the National Discourse of Kashubian and Silesian Activists in Contemporary Poland. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 22(2), 173-209. Retrieved from