The Basic Metatheoretic Strategies and Perspectives of Metatheorizing in Modern Sociology

  • Svetlana Platonova Izhevsk Agricultural Academy, Izhevsk, Russia
Keywords: current sociology; crisis of sociology; metatheory; metatheorizing; social theory.


The article discusses the causes of metatheorizing in sociology, the basic methatheorizing directions. The origins of the sociological methatheorizing and reasons for a surge in its popularity in the 21st century are discussed in order to describe the passage to a current state of metatheorizing in sociology. The aims of this article are to identify new tendencies in metatheorizing in sociology. New tendencies are associated with developing of postcolonial sociology, integral sociology, digital sociology. Integrative methatheorizing is aimed at identification of common theoretical logic, basic categories. It is believed that society has common patterns of functioning and development that need further study. Postcolonial methatheorizing offers to consider the historical roots and trajectories of modern global configurations. Digital metatheorizing studies the relationship of the Humanities and Social Sciences to computer technology and the impact of big data on society. However, the attitude to metatheorizing was not always positive. The development of metatheory is not supported by all scientists. It is argued that the metatheory deals with the systematization and explanation of theories instead of studying the real dynamics of the social world. Interdisciplinary metatheorizing uses sociology as the main source of explanatory models for other social sciences: social history, social anthropology, social psychology.
How to Cite
Platonova, S. (2019). The Basic Metatheoretic Strategies and Perspectives of Metatheorizing in Modern Sociology. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 22(1), 47-65. Retrieved from