Factors of trust in digital mental health platforms: literature review

  • Oxana Mikhaylova HSE University, Moscow, Russia
  • Elizaveta Fomicheva HSE University, Moscow, Russia
  • Zhasmin Zhyrgalbek kyzy HSE University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: digital mental health platforms, online therapy, online psychotherapy, teletherapy, trust


During recent decades, there has been a steady increase of interest in services and products aimed at providing psychological assistance, especially through digital services and devices. Therefore, there is a need for a sociological analysis of the effects exerted on the dynamics of social life by such a rapid increase in the popularity of digitalized psychological assistance services among the population. At the moment, there are English-language and Russian-language reviews of the scientific literature devoted to the study of consumer experience in the use of digital applications for the provision of psychological assistance and social impact programs with digital elements. However, there are practically no review papers that reveal such experiences in connection with the use of digital platforms for the provision of psychological assistance (DPPP) such as “Yasno”, “Zigmund.Online”. This literature review focuses on the factors that determine trust in these platforms. Based on the analysis of 60 most recent and cited scientific publications on the topic of customer experience using the DPPP for 2020–2023 it was found that the level of trust (that is, experience of use, current use or willingness to use if necessary) is affected by the client: 1) personality traits, 2) age, 3) economic status, 4) attitude towards the provision of professional psychological assistance, including through technical means, 5) digital literacy; from the side of the platform: 6) the quality of software, customer service and algorithms for selecting specialists. The influence of other factors has a mixed, not fully clarified character. Due to the fact that there are practically no comprehensive multivariate studies with moderation and mediation, it is difficult to assume how trust factors correlate with each other. Despite the extensive representation in scientific publications of studies related to the trust of users from vulnerable groups of the population, still not all groups were covered by the studies. Thus, future studies of the DPPP will likely focus on building multivariate models to explain customer trust in the DPPP, as well as cover more users from vulnerable social groups. It should also be considered that the market for digital services on mental health issues is in development, and, accordingly, in the future, the number of forms of providing psychological assistance using technological means may increase, the latter will lead to the emergence of new questions about trust in newly invented and traditional forms of online counseling.


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How to Cite
Mikhaylova, O., Fomicheva, E., & Zhyrgalbek kyzy, Z. (2024). Factors of trust in digital mental health platforms: literature review. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 27(2), 179–210. https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2024.27.2.7