Place Attachment in the Context of a Shrinking City: Analysis of the Discourse of Residents in an Urban Online Group

  • Elena Nedoseka Sociological Institute of the FCTAS RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Alexandra Nenko independent research, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Svetlana Poroshina independent research, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: place, place attachment, sense place, place identity, shrinking city, urban online groups, qualitative text analysis


Despite the already existing scholarship on place attachment, this topic remains in many ways not fully studied in relation to the application of the concept to various types of territories. The focus of this paper is the concept of “place attachment” in the context of a shrinking city. Based on this, in the theoretical framework we use two concepts: shrinking city and place attachment. Both concepts are widely used in the scientific literature, but remain ambiguous and are rarely used together in research. In this study, we propose an operationalization of the concept of place attachment, in which we substantiate its 4 main components: positive emotional connection of people with a place, significance of the place for people in particular life circumstances, dependence on place, and place identity. The scientific novelty of the study also lies in its methodological approach. We analyze place attachment through as verbalized in the public discourse, constructed by the residents of a shrinking city in an online community operating in social media. Data from residents' discussions provide rich empirical material that allows one to identify components of place attachment and interpret them in relation to the specific environmental context. Grounded theory as an approach based on detailed coding of discursive data and constructed explanatory interpretations of this coding, allows to identify aspects of place attachment in shrinking cities, understudied in literature and conditioned by the particular context in which relationships between the residents and places evolve.


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How to Cite
Nedoseka, E., Nenko, A., & Poroshina, S. (2024). Place Attachment in the Context of a Shrinking City: Analysis of the Discourse of Residents in an Urban Online Group. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 27(2), 86–115.