Cross-Sector Social Partnership as the Basis of Municipal Public Policy

  • Ksenia Kosygina Institute of Sociology — Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
  • Yulia Ukhanova Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia
Keywords: municipal public policy, cross-sector social partnership, municipal level, non-profit sector, public-state partnership, local community


Municipal public policy and cross-sector social partnership have significant potential for achieving the progressive development of municipalities and ensuring optimal management with the involvement of the non-profit sector organizations, business and the local community. In this study cross-sector partnership is considered as the basis of municipal public policy. The paper pays particular attention to the role of the non-profit sector in the implementation of public-state partnership in the formation of municipal public policy. The methodological strategy of the study is built in two stages. At the first stage, as part of a desk study the authors have collected primary information including an analysis of the general regulatory context and economic indicators of the activities of the non-profit sector organizations as subjects of public-state partnership in municipalities. Using the example of the Vologda region and the Republic of Karelia, the authors identify disproportions concerning financial participation of local budgets in promoting the development of socially oriented NPOs and the share of municipal districts and urban districts implementing municipal programs. The Republic of Karelia is significantly inferior to the Vologda region in terms of the considered economic indicators. At the second stage, based on an expert survey of subjects of cross-sector social partnership and municipal public policy in the city of Vologda (N=92) and Petrozavodsk (N=109), the study has revealed that according to the criterion of perception of the non-profit sector activities from the authorities and business within the survey more positive assessments of the authorities are recorded in the city of Vologda than in the city of Petrozavodsk. For identifying barriers to the development of cross-sector social partnership tools from the perspective of social activists themselves, the authors use materials from in-depth formalized interviews with the heads of NPOs in the capital cities of the studied regions (N=28). It has been established that partnership with authorities at the municipal level from the position of social activists themselves is developing extremely slowly and requires the development and implementation of new tools for effective development.


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How to Cite
Kosygina, K., & Ukhanova, Y. (2024). Cross-Sector Social Partnership as the Basis of Municipal Public Policy. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 27(1), 192-215.