Scenarios of Changes to the Regional System of Vocational Training of Kuzbass Personnel for the Period Until 2050

  • Natalia Demchuk Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetzk, Russia
  • Tatyana Burnysheva Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetzk, Russia
  • Elena Isakova Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetzk, Russia
  • Konstantin Burnyshev Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Information Analytical Center”, Novokuznetzk, Russia
Keywords: professional education, training system, labor market, education market


The relevance of the study of the current state of the vocational education system is caused by the awareness of the risks of the regional economy and the assessment of vocational education as one of the most significant factors of change. The object of the study is the state of the vocational education system in Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region). The subject is the development of scenarios for changes in the system of vocational education for the period up to 2050 by involving various social actors in the design. Scenarios for the future status of vocational education is developed on the basis of a combination of the methods of expert survey, a questionnaire survey of high school students and undergraduate students of universities and colleges, text analysis essay middle school students, generalization of materials of project-analytical sessions, pupils, students, employers and educators. On the basis of the institutional approach, conclusions are drawn about the differences in the vision of the future of the vocational education system by different social actors, the factors influencing the development of the system are analyzed. The results of the study can be used to develop "roadmaps" of reforming the education system in the region.


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How to Cite
Demchuk, N., Burnysheva, T., Isakova, E., & Burnyshev, K. (2024). Scenarios of Changes to the Regional System of Vocational Training of Kuzbass Personnel for the Period Until 2050. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 27(1), 85-102.