The Role of Mentorship in Formation of Labour Culture and Workers’ Solidary Behavior at the Russian Industrial Enterprises

  • Liudmila Cheglakova Graduate School of Business, HSE University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: labor culture, mentoring, solidarity behavior, industrial personnel, workers


This article examines the role of mentorship in shaping labour culture and solidarity behavior of manufactory workers, with an emphasis on the mentoring formal framework, informal values, patterns of behavior and attitudes towards management which id broadcasting by mentors to new workers. The study was carried out in a mixed methodology on the base of three Russian enterprises. 20 focus-group discussions (a total of 394 people) with mentors in 2018 to 2019, an analysis of mentoring baselines, interviews with HR and shop managers and observation were held. Common features of labor culture include the values of collectivity, involvement in a common cause, willingness to disinterestedly assist the team. Collectivity is intertwined with the culture of efficiency, which is described in the requirements of integrity, quality of work, efficiency, as well as the initiative and active position of the employee. The "new" requirements of the industrial workers' approved behavior are focused on labor safety and compliance with corporate standards. Collective labor norms prohibit opportunistic behavior in the form of conflicts by sex, religion or any manifestations of aggression, the presence of bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction or frequent smoking), as well as opposing oneself to the team and excessive activity. "New" capitalist order in labor culture values concern the prohibition of labor violation to corporate standards, disclosure of corporate secrecy and discussion of management decisions in comparison with the Soviet and late Soviet labor culture values. The protection of the working micro-collective boundaries from the authorities is maintained against the backdrop of a respectful attitude towards management. During mentoring solidarity behavior is often formed in the "mentor-mentee" dyads in a situation where cooperation is necessary. But solidarity as how the formation of a sense of collective unity does not have time to form in a short period of formal mentoring as trust relationships are not formed in every pair primarily due to the inequality of exchange and the difference in generational interests.


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How to Cite
Cheglakova, L. (2024). The Role of Mentorship in Formation of Labour Culture and Workers’ Solidary Behavior at the Russian Industrial Enterprises. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 27(1), 30-62.