Metatheoretical Foundations of Civilizational Analysis in Contemporary Sociology

  • Ruslan Braslavskiy Sociological Institute of the RAS — Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: civilizational analysis, cultural sociology, analytical autonomy, mutual constitution, emergentism, culture, power


The article is subjected to the metatheoretical foundations of the emerging sociological paradigm of civilizational analysis, represented by two main branches: the theory of “civilizational patterns” and the theory of “civilizing processes”. The integration potential of civilizational analysis depends on the way of solving the dilemma “autonomism vs. constitutivism" in the interpretation of the fundamental conceptual dichotomy “culture/power”, which forms a special focus of contemporary sociological problematic. J. Olick’s substantiation of a consistent constitutivist position based on the process approach of N. Elias in sharp opposition to the principle of analytical autonomy of culture, put by S. Eisenstadt at the basis of the “pattern” direction, leads to a split in civilizational analysis. As an alternative “integral” solution to the metatheoretical dilemma, a culture-oriented version of historical constitutivism is proposed, found in the project of civilizational analysis by J. Arnason. At the same time, the metatheoretical dilemma between autonomism and constitutivism is translated into the ontological problem of the relationship between “dimensions” and “spheres” of social life. The “paradox of culture” formulated by J. Arnason is considered as a solution to the above dilemma. This decision is of fundamental importance not only for the consolidation of the emerging paradigm of civilizational analysis, but also for the formation of the “broad program” of cultural sociology and for the development of social theory in general.


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How to Cite
Braslavskiy, R. (2024). Metatheoretical Foundations of Civilizational Analysis in Contemporary Sociology. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 26(4), 7-40.