Political Institutionalization and the Struggle of Elites in the North Caucasus during the Revolutions of 1917 and Russian Civil War

  • Tatiana Litvinova Odintsovo Campus of MGIMO University, Odintsovo, Russia
Keywords: North Caucasus; political institutionalization; Russian Revolution; Civil War.


The article examines the political struggle in the North Caucasus in the period between the February and October revolutions in Russia in 1917 and Civil War. Each of the political forces — the ethnic intelligentsia, the White movement, representatives of the Islamic clergy, the Bolsheviks — offered their own institutional solutions for development and management of the region. The author reveals in detail the motives, programs and actions of various actors that played an important role in the regional political process in the context of revolutionary changes in Russia.
How to Cite
Litvinova, T. (2017). Political Institutionalization and the Struggle of Elites in the North Caucasus during the Revolutions of 1917 and Russian Civil War. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 20(4), 154–168. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/251
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