Professionalization of Donation in Reproduction: A Narrative Analysis of Life Stories

  • Natalya Gramatchikova Institute of History and Archeology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
  • Irina Polyakova Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: oocyte donation, reproductive medicine, surrogacy, professional donor, narrative, interview


The formation of the institution of donation in the field of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) leads to the fact that some women participate in the procedure of oocyte donation and surrogacy (or both) repeatedly, i.e., they receive a certain experience of professionalization in this area. The material of the article is 9 in-depth semi-structured interviews with women who had more than two-time experience of oocyte donation and/or surrogacy, as well as 4 expert interviews with specialists in the field of ART. The authors focus on two research questions: how do donors construct an autobiographical narrative in which the history of regular donation fits in, and how do donors see the parameters of the emerging professional field that they must comply with, i.e. how donor narratives correlate and interact with external discursive frameworks. Finding answers to these questions involves a qualitative analysis of interviews with donors and physicians. The internal dynamics of the situation with professional donation today is also determined by the fact that the interest in the stability and predictability of “donors with good experience”, which has a material expression (reward), turns into a “conveyor belt effect” for the participants themselves, contrary to the values of increasing self-esteem and social status, which, in addition to money, serve as a powerful incentive for long-term participation in the program for female donors. The material and conclusions of the article are of interest to all specialists working in the field of reproductive medicine, as well as to specialists in the field of promoting this product on the market.


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How to Cite
Gramatchikova, N., & Polyakova, I. (2023). Professionalization of Donation in Reproduction: A Narrative Analysis of Life Stories. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 26(3), 149-180.