The demand for information on a healthy lifestyle and lessons learned during the coronavirus pandemic

  • Polina Mikhailovna Kozyreva Institute of Sociology, FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia; HSE University, Moscow, Russia
  • Alexander Ilyich Smirnov Institute of Sociology, FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: vaccination, healthy lifestyle, COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, social adaptation, social wellbeing


This article contains an analysis based on data from the “Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey” (RLMS-HSE) of the COVID-19 pandemic’s influence on the demand among Russian people for information on a healthy lifestyle. It is shown that, despite the fact that people began to pay much closer attention to health related issues during the onset of the pandemic, popular demand for such information remained be fairly low. Half of all surveyed Russian people take interest in information pertaining to a healthy lifestyle. However, only one in every sixteen people seeks it out intentionally. The highest demand for such information was registered among women, residents of large cities, as well as citizens who are highly educated. Additionally, the study showed that these particular respondents were also the most active when it came to learning in general and to being physically active. The connection between respondents’ demand for information on issues pertaining to a healthy lifestyle and their assessment of their own health status, as well as their evaluation of how the coronavirus pandemic and the associated restrictions affected their health, turned out to be fairly weak. Interest in knowledge that facilitates preservation and improvement of one’s health is more common among respondents who are more inclined than others to give a negative assessment of how the pandemic affected their health, though at the same time they find it easier and are quicker to adapt to new conditions. However, they are not much different from other categories of the population when it comes to assessing the efficacy of safety measures that were supposed to help mitigate the risk of getting infected with the coronavirus, as well as their implementation in personal practice. The demand for information on a healthy lifestyle is one of the factors that reduce negative attitudes towards administration of the coronavirus vaccine. The main causes of negative attitudes towards vaccination include a lack of faith in the vaccine’s efficacy, as well as fear of adverse effects, fear of negative health consequences. It’s worth noting that among the respondents who oppose the vaccines these reasons bear the most significance for those who show the least interest in issues pertaining to a healthy lifestyle.


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How to Cite
Kozyreva, P. M., & Smirnov, A. I. (2023). The demand for information on a healthy lifestyle and lessons learned during the coronavirus pandemic. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 26(2), 46-66.