The formation of the logical-semantic method in the sociology of P.A. Sorokin in the context of the historiosophy of O. Spengler and A. Toynbee

  • Nikolay Golovin Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Vera Rusanova Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar, Russia
Keywords: P.A. Sorokin, O. Spengler, sociology of culture, philosophy of Culture, history of sociology, methodology of sociology, logical-semantic method


Russian sociologists discuss the thesis of the direct influence of the German philosopher O. Spengler's (1880–1936) historiosophy and his work “The Decline of Europe” (1918, 1922) on the theory of social and cultural dynamics of the Russian-American sociologist P. A. Sorokin (1889–1968). The current study examines this issue through the stages of formation of the logical-semantic method used by Sorokin in his work “Social and Cultural Dynamics” (1937, 1941). The structure of this method is revealed: the identification of real cause-and-effect relationships in social and cultural systems, the assessment of the degree of integrity of systems using intuition. It is proved that this method was formed completely independently and in an original way. Sorokin's polemic with Spengler and A. Toynbee (1889–1975) is considered from the position of the logical-semantic method, a critical assessment of their studies of cultures and civilizations is given and their main mistake, according to Sorokin, is revealed: attributing integrity to supersystems where in empirical reality there is none. The conclusions of Sorokin, Spengler and Toynbee about the nature of the evolution of European culture and its future are divergent. Sorokin's conclusion about two mega-waves of European culture observed during 2500 years and the forecast of its coming third wave is empirically substantiated in contrast to Spengler's statement about the death of European culture and Toynbee's thesis about the Universal Church as a mediator in the continuity of cultures. Sorokin's logical-semantic method allows us to reveal and evaluate Spengler's and Toynbee's methodology. Spengler is dominated by analogies based on the comparative morphology of cultures. Sorokin's interpretation of large arrays of socio-cultural facts, based on statistics, allows us to identify common, regular features in the historical process, which Toynbee also drew attention to. The logical-semantic method is implemented by “Dynamics” together with the historical method in sociology, which also allows to verify his theory of culture.


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How to Cite
Golovin, N., & Rusanova, V. (2023). The formation of the logical-semantic method in the sociology of P.A. Sorokin in the context of the historiosophy of O. Spengler and A. Toynbee. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 26(2), 26-45.