The Cultural Turn in the Studies of the Russian Revolution

  • Dmitry Karasev Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia
Keywords: : Russian revolution 1917; cultural turn; revisionism; histoire des mentalités; experience; narrative; interpretation


The purpose of the paper is to reveal the origins and essence of the cultural turn in the studies of the Russian revolution. The cultural turn in the studies of Great French Revolution, associated with F. Furet and his followers backed by number of post-structuralist approaches was the first source of cultural turn in Russian revolution’s field. Its second source was revisionist or social history of the Russian revolution. It proved that rank-and-file revolutionaries (the "masses") were not just the objects of manipulation by the Bolsheviks (or their historical construct legitimating its power). They had their own world of meanings, emotions and experience (albeit often expressed in new revolutionary phraseology), which was especially acute during revolutionary crises.
How to Cite
Karasev, D. (2017). The Cultural Turn in the Studies of the Russian Revolution. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 20(4), 31–50. Retrieved from
Russian Revolutions: Socio-Historical and Cultural Background