Alienation of Labor and Social Exclusion of Modern Enterprises’ Workers

  • Elena Smoleva Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,Vologda, Russia
Keywords: alienation of labor, worker, impact resource, type of organization, extra-role behavior, work engagement


The author considers the problem of alienation of labor through the prism of resources of workers' influence on labor activity both of their own and of the entire organization. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the alienation of labor in the works of K. Marx and R. Blauner. Objectification of the subject in Marxism correlates with the low level of influence on decision-making on the organization of labor activity highlighted by R. Blauner. Categories opposed to the alienation of labor are “participation”, “work engagement”, “extra-role behavior”. The purpose of the study was to study the manifestations of alienation of labor in the form of lack of the impact resource of workers on the order of their own activities and the solution of the most important issues of the entire organization. The author used the data of the European Social Survey (2016). It is revealed that in Russia in comparison with the European countries workers are much less likely to make decisions on the organization of their work and to influence decision-making concerning the activities of the organization as a whole. The socio-demographic characteristics of workers correlate with subjective estimates of the impact resource. Low estimates of the impact resource are typical for people of the older age group, residents of cities with a population of less than 20 thousand, people with a low educational level. The study of the alienation of labor showed another facet of the plight of the members of these social groups, which suggests a connection between the alienation of labor and social exclusion. It is revealed that there are differences in subjective estimates of the impact resource of workers depending on the type of organization: high estimates characterize private companies without public capital, government bodies and local authorities. With the help of CHAID-analysis, the Russian population was classified according to subjective estimates of the resource of influence, taking into account and without taking into account the “managerial position” factor.


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How to Cite
Smoleva, E. (2018). Alienation of Labor and Social Exclusion of Modern Enterprises’ Workers. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(5), 220-241.