Russian Modernization — A Capitalist Project of Civilization Development

  • Larissa Titarenko Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
Keywords: modernization, civilization approach, Marxist project, capitalism, Russia, Lapin, Inglеhart, Mironov, evolution


. During the past decades, Russia has embarked on a course of modernization aimed at ensuring the country’s security and raising the level and quality of life of its citizens. The article presents a review of the sociological interpretations of Russian modernization. According to the theory of “double transition” (N.I. Lapin), in Russia there is a gradual transition of regions from the first, industrial stage of modernization, to the second, information, which will allow in the future to achieve the expected results. Within the framework of the evolutionary theory of modernization (R. Inglehart), Russia is also not yet considered as a country that has achieved significant success in modernization. The application of the Chinese modernization analysis methodology to the Russian data allows to declare that Russia follows global trends in its development, but does not specify the social nature of the transformation processes. The declared goals of increasing the quality and standard of living of the population are achievable only for certain social groups. According to B.N. Mironov, the study of Russian modernization for the past two centuries gives grounds to assert that its main point has always been and is the westernization of Russia, i.e. orientation to the West. Alternative approaches to the interpretation of the civilizational development of Russia (in particular, the theory of multiple modernities by S. Eisenstadt, who did not recognize the constellation of social institutions established in the West as a universal normative model of the development) are not popular. The Marxist logic of the modernization analysis in this discourse is used weakly, whereas it inevitably leads to an understanding of the essence of Russian modernization as a capitalist project of civilizational development. In Russia, there is an increase in social contradictions in key areas of public life. Modernization cannot make them more humanistic and society — more equitable and socially responsible.


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How to Cite
Titarenko, L. (2018). Russian Modernization — A Capitalist Project of Civilization Development. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(5), 141-163. Retrieved from