State and Prospects of Civil Society Development in Russia: Regional Aspect

  • Yuliya Ukhanova Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia
Keywords: civil society, state, civil self-organization, civil participation, non-profit organizations (NPO), expert survey


The topic of civil society is one of the fundamental scientific problems that has been of concern to world-renowned scientists for many centuries. According to Karl Marx, civil society itself, along with such an institution as a family, determines the development of the state. Despite the criticism of civil society, which, according to the philosopher, is based on the principle of individualistic consumerism and therefore acts as a form of the organization of bourgeois society, the real state of affairs is not distorted in K. Marx’s theory. In the modern world, civil society has not achieved such a development in which the interests and aspirations of social groups would be fully realized. This kind of task acquires particular importance for Russian society, which is going through a period of democratic transformations. The authors reveal that the current state of civil society is mainly determined by a certain decrease in the number of NGOs in recent years and at the same time an increase in their differentiation. When analyzing the practices of civil self-organization, which are the most important characteristic of modern civil society in Russia, it was determined that the population more often participates in such civil practices as the election, to a lesser extent — in protest actions. The results of the study on the prospects for the likely and desired changes in the development of civil society have shown a high degree of inconsistency in expert assessments, which indicates the uncertainty of its future development. On the whole, the study reveals the pessimistic attitude of experts towards the development of Russian civil society in the short term.


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How to Cite
Ukhanova, Y. (2018). State and Prospects of Civil Society Development in Russia: Regional Aspect. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(5), 103-121. Retrieved from