Post-Truth as an Indicator of Modern Society and Analytical Potential of Marxism

  • Andrei Yakovenko Yakovenko Luhansk Vladimir Dal National University, Luhansk, Ukraine
Keywords: post-truth, lie, interest, economic formation, Marxism, human


Modern society, being powerless to form a reality that is healthy in all senses, continues to compensate for its helplessness by creating convenient justifying conceptual forms, fashionable ideologies, veiling real problems and contradictions. Refusal of distinctness of formulations, positioning, and characteristics is reflected in the appearance of terms like “post-truth”. In an alternative to these approaches, many of Marx’s developments are an example of rejection of mythology, an analytical basis for accurate assessments based on understanding of actual interests of subjects. The emergence and known socio-engineering attempts to replicate “post-truth” as a significant category continued the practice of substituting a qualitative study of processes and search for meaningful definitions by the next “exploitation” of the prefix “post”. Usual approach is unacceptable to such terms as “post-human” and even more to “posttruth”. First of all, because it is difficult to assert about the stay of society precisely “after” the full stage of “human” development, not to mention the “era of truth”, which is replaced by the notorious “post-truth”. Analytical potential of Marxism remains in demand, since the principles and laws governing the functioning of an economic formation based on mercantile interests remain unshakable. In this connection, the teachings of Karl Marx remain vulnerable enough, clearly falling into the trap of his own famous “11 Theses on Feuerbach”. Continuing to act as a qualified tool for explaining the world, it did not really lead to its (world) real cleansing change in humanistic plan.


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How to Cite
Yakovenko, A. Y. (2018). Post-Truth as an Indicator of Modern Society and Analytical Potential of Marxism. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(5), 91-102. Retrieved from