The Background of Dependency Theory in Karl Marx’s Works

  • Yuriy Dergunov Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Service,Donetsk, Ukraine
Keywords: Marx, dependency theory, development, underdevelopment, Eurocentrism, capitalism


Dependency theory is a theoretical direction in development sociology that examines underdevelopment of peripheral societies as the result of capitalist development on a world scale. Despite the fact that the majority of dependency theorists leaned towards Marxism both in terms of general theoretical grounds and political views. There is a widespread idea among both supporters and opponents of dependency theory, about the radical break of this theory with Karl Marx’s understanding of logics of the social change that makes us to put the problem of the connection between dependency theory and his works. This paper is based on critical realist philosophy of science and descriptive, comparative, retrospective and actualization methods of the discipline of history of sociology for the study of Marx’s theoretical heritage devoted to the development of nonWestern world. It is demonstrated that at the level of general conception of sociohistorical change, we can distinguish two approaches in Marx’s works, the Eurocentricdiffusionist one and the multi-linear one, and multi-linear approach was generally closer to basic principles of Marx’s social theory and predominated in late Marx’s ouevre. This transition to the new theory of social change was connected with revealing of generative mechanisms of specifically capitalist form of underdevelopment in his research on regularities of capitalism. In particular, Marx highlighted the role of world market, the formal subsumption of labor to capital, the international division of labor, the superexploitation of labor-power and the general law of capital accumulation. Also, social movements in non-Western countries played their role, as they shown that their peoples possessed the historical subjectivity. Although Marx did not build the full-blown theory of dependent capitalism due to the incompleteness of his project of critique of political economy, there are reasons to consider Marx as a forerunner of dependency theory in development sociology.


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How to Cite
Dergunov, Y. (2018). The Background of Dependency Theory in Karl Marx’s Works. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(5), 59-90.