Social Sciences in the 21st Century and Untapped Potential of Karl Marx’s Method

  • Vladimir Logachev Kuzbass State Technical University,Kemerovo, Russia
  • Dmitry Kochergin Kuzbass Regional Institute for the Development of Vocational Education,Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: Karl Marx, society, social sciences, methodology, theory of postindustrial society, crisis, development


It is considered that the methodological pluralism is one of the most important achievements of social science in the XX century. Formally this approach allows solving many different research tasks in conditions of the complexity of social science object. In fact, the pluralism didn’t deepen the cognition of the society but increased its fragmentation. Against the background of modernist social science’ crisis design of the new
positive methodological approaches is continued. Contemporary methodologists usually use Marxism aspiring to fill their abstract schemes with the concrete content. The dignity of Karl Marx approach consists in that this approach contains all the wealth of classical social science in “abolished” form (Aufhebung according to Hegel). In the coordinates of Marxist world outlook, it is clear that the goal of social science is the cognition and practical assistance to economic development in the direction of tendencies that we call as “post-industrial”. With using of this wording of the goal it is possible to overcome the utilitarian limitation of thinking and social practice from one hand, and the transcended gap between social science and objective being from another hand. This actualizes the potential of the classical teaching of Karl Marx in the XXI century 


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How to Cite
Logachev, V., & Kochergin, D. (2018). Social Sciences in the 21st Century and Untapped Potential of Karl Marx’s Method. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(5), 44-58.