Public participation in city building : case of the Arkhangelsk region

  • Ilya F. Vereshchagin Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Inga M. Zashikhina Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Maria V. Malygina Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Keywords: urban planning, city development, comfortable living, municipal government, social inclusion, public participation, decision-making process, Arkhangelsk region


The technocratic approaches to city planning are replaced by integrated urban development in the contemporary society. Management-wise, urban design is a complex matter which involves a large number of stakeholders. Most important, modern city  development requires the residents to become active participants of the decision-making process. The article aims at presenting the process of urban planning in the Arkhangelsk region, the north-west of Russia. City planning approaches of the Arkhangelsk regiongovernment are undergoing transformations. The residents’ community has started a negotiation process with the municipal government to grant a say in urban planning. However, the communication process is not easy. On the one hand, communication channels are defined and functioning. The citizens use the Internet and mass media to learn about the authorities’ plans and actions. The risen community awareness has put forward first collective action in the region. On the other hand, there is still much to be done. This research is evidence-based and analyses the results of a survey among the Arkhangelsk region residents highlighting the ways the community can impact the urban space planning, as well as the relationships between the  unicipality administration and city dwellers on the issue. Though an extensive public inclusion needs significant time and effort, the findings show that certain changes have been started.


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How to Cite
Vereshchagin, I. F., Zashikhina, I. M., & Malygina, M. V. (2023). Public participation in city building : case of the Arkhangelsk region. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 26(1), 143-166.