A Factorial Model of Paternal Involvemen

  • Alina Yanak Lobachevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Keywords: non-modal parenting, paternal involvement, components of paternal involvement, factors of paternal involvement, factorial model


Increased father engagement in childcare, their motivation, problem and conflicts resolution, formation of father-child attachment are the needs of modern families. The spread of involved fathering practices indicates its acceptance by men. The article uses information from scientific sources to describe the evolution of the criteria and components (manifestation and measured parameters of paternal participation) of paternal involvement model. A theoretical framework consists of paternal involvement concept, developed by M. Lamb, R. Palkovitz, J. Pleck et al. The authors present the primary criteria (engagement, accessibility, responsibility) and auxiliary domains (indirect care, process responsibility, responsiveness and warmth, control) of involvement. We determined methodological gaps, contradictions and empirical limitations of the model. The results of content analysis and factor analysis of interview with fathers present a factor model of paternal involvement. Involvement factors are systematized and grouped into micro- (socio-demographic and socio-cultural characteristics, readiness for fatherhood, attitude towards children, moral guidelines, relations with parents and siblings), meso- (family and childhood structure, distribution of family and parental responsibilities, participation of grandparents, marital relations, pre-divorce and post-divorce situations) and macro-levels (parental associations and family policy, organization of employment, discursive prescriptions of female and male parental roles, men's ideas about good fatherhood). We explain the significance of positive and negative factors, emphasize the specificity of the Russian paternal involvement model, and call for further research on the problem.

The study was funded by grant from the President of the Russian Federation to young Candidates of Sciences, research project no. МК-641.2021.2.


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How to Cite
Yanak, A. (2022). A Factorial Model of Paternal Involvemen. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 25(4), 140-176. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/2410