Assessment by Women Entrepreneurs of the Importance of Resources and Measures of State Support for Small Businesses (Case Study of the Leningrad Region)

  • Mikhail Demidov North-West Institute of Management –– branch of RANEPA, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Marina Kashina North-West Institute of Management –– branch of RANEPA, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: constructivist theory of gender, new institutional theory, women's business, socio-economic policy, resource, online survey, focus group


Small business performs a number of socially significant functions. This necessitates the need for state support. Small business owners can be both women and men, but women's business in Russia, as well as throughout the world, is much less developed. Although a number of government programs aimed at supporting women's business have been implemented in the country in recent years, there has been no noticeable improvement in the situation. In this regard, there is a need to understand what kind of resources provided within the framework of state support measures are needed by women entrepreneurs in the first place, whether they need gender-specific resources (support measures). The purpose of the study: to assess the importance of the gender factor in the conduct of small business and the demand for certain measures of its state support (development resources) by women entrepreneurs. Research design: online survey (2019) and two focus groups (2022). An interdisciplinary approach was used, which makes it possible to seek a solution to economic problems through the analysis of socio-cultural (gender) factors. Results: respondents do not believe that gender has a significant impact on doing business, the majority is of the opinion that government measures to support male and female entrepreneurs should not differ. Focus group materials indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of the sanctions policy by Western states did not have a significant impact on the opinion of respondents about the role of the gender factor in running small businesses and the necessary measures for its state support, which proves the stability of the data obtained. At the same time, there is a request from women entrepreneurs for a gender-specific resource –– special socio-cultural, non-economic support measures from the state, which should be aimed at ensuring public recognition of the value of women's business and increasing the self-esteem of women entrepreneurs. The article may be of interest to representatives of public authorities and researchers interested in the impact of the gender factor on economic entities.

The authors express their sincere gratitude to the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Leningrad Region and personally to Deputy Director Olga Vadimovna Shakhova for their assistance in organizing and conducting the study.


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How to Cite
Demidov, M., & Kashina, M. (2022). Assessment by Women Entrepreneurs of the Importance of Resources and Measures of State Support for Small Businesses (Case Study of the Leningrad Region). ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 25(4), 79-112. Retrieved from