The Sociological Service of the KAMAZ Enterprise: between Academic Science and Applied Tasks

  • Konstantin Galkin Sociological Institute of the RAS, Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Elena Rassolova Sociological Institute of the RAS, Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: factory sociology, sociological service, social engineering, case-study, KAMAZ, USSR


The article examines the development of factory sociological services on the example of the sociological service of the Kama Automobile Plant. The study analyzes the relationship between enterprise management and employee training and the system of research and practical recommendations in the framework of the activities of the sociological service. The research was carried out in the methodology of an ethnographic case study in which interviews were conducted with employees of the sociological service, as well as documents, plans and reports of the activities of the sociological service of the enterprise were analyzed. The sociological service of KAMAZ is considered in the context of the domestic sociology of labor and its key trends, namely, the transition to practice-oriented research and the application of such research. The article analyzes the work of the sociological service both from the standpoint of training personnel and personnel, and from the standpoint of conducting sociological research and influencing management decisions of the plant. The study concludes on the relevance and importance of comprehensive sociological research integrated into the management structure of the enterprise itself, as well as improving the adaptation and motivation of employees of the production organization. It is also noted in the article that sociological services of enterprises are important today, but the role of sociological research in modern enterprises is reduced to the work of personnel and HR departments, which creates significant difficulties and difficulties in the possibility of complex analytics of the enterprise itself and making various management decisions.


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How to Cite
Galkin, K., & Rassolova, E. (2022). The Sociological Service of the KAMAZ Enterprise: between Academic Science and Applied Tasks. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 25(3), 91-107. Retrieved from