Normative Knowledge in the Social Sciences (Based on Nikolay I. Kareev’s Manuscript “General Methodology of the Humanities”)

  • Alexey Malinov Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Evgeniya Dolgova Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Kareev, methodology, ethics, normative knowledge, comparative method


The article and the accompanying publication of archival documents introduce a fragment of a historian, sociologist, and scientific methodologist N.I. Kareyev's work “General Methodology of the Humanities” (1922). The published excerpt is devoted to the relationship of theoretical, practical and normative knowledge. Theoretical knowledge reveals the laws of phenomena, practical knowledge is focused on solving applied (technical) problems, and normative knowledge grasps social reality on the basis of existing (accepted) norms and values. Kareev tried to formulate the ideal of scientific ethics as a normative doctrine that cognizes the actions of people and reveals norms of behavior. In a broad sense, the project of scientific ethics coincided with the tasks of social philosophy. An ethical point of view, or rather a moral assessment is acceptable in the study of social phenomena, but likewise ethics itself can be investigated in its specific forms and manifestations. The identification of ethical elements in social facts (legal, economic, political) made it possible, Kareev believed, to study morality as a social phenomenon. The main aid in this matter was the comparative method. The comparison was mainly supposed to establish similar and repetitive features in social phenomena and thus reveal the specifics of ethical relations. The text is published according to modern spelling rules, maintaining the stylistic features of the document.


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How to Cite
Malinov, A., & Dolgova, E. (2022). Normative Knowledge in the Social Sciences (Based on Nikolay I. Kareev’s Manuscript “General Methodology of the Humanities”) . ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 25(3), 41-57. Retrieved from