Conceptual Perspectives on the Notion of Intersubjectivity

  • Irina Shmerlina Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Intersubjectivity, phenomenology, phenomenological sociology, generative phenomenology, E. Husserl, A. Schutz, J. Habermas, transcendental ego, passive synthesis, natural attitude, lifeworld, home world, historicity


The article provides a conceptual marking of the problem field of the concept of “intersubjectivity”. Two basic projections of this concept — ontology and genesis — and three additional ones — locus, horizon and modus — are distinguished. Describing the thematization of intersubjectivity in philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychology, cognitive sciences, and neurophysiology in an almost exhaustive way, these projections go back largely to E. Husserl's phenomenology. The article shows the complex evolution of Husserl's ideas about intersubjectivity, formulated early in the philosopher's work as an egological problem and later as a problem of the "lifeworld". While the initial formulation of the problem of intersubjectivity predominantly grounds psychological and neurophysiological research, its understanding it as an immanent property of the lifeworld corresponds to the sociological perspective, classically presented in phenomenological sociology. According to the author, an alternative phenomenological program can be deployed in sociology, going beyond the “constitutive phenomenology of the natural attitude” and relying on the intuitions of the late Husserl, including genetic phenomenology. It is also sociologically promising to consider intersubjectivity in a functional modus — in terms of the mechanisms of constituting the meaning structures that maintain the lifeworld in its self-evident reality or destroy it.


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How to Cite
Shmerlina, I. (2022). Conceptual Perspectives on the Notion of Intersubjectivity. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 25(3), 7-40. Retrieved from