Social Inequality of Employed Russian Youth: Factors and Mechanisms of Formation and Development

  • Azer Efendiev HSE University, Moscow, Russia
  • Stanislav Rezkiy HSE University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: employed youth, social inequality, social stratification, criteria of social inequality and stratification, factors of social inequality


The study, on the basis of empirical data, provides a multidimensional analysis of the social inequality of employed Russian youth. We analyze the features of this inequality in the areas of economic status, access to educational resources, prestige of the profession and official status of young people. Using a multidimensional approach to social stratification, the main strata of employed youth were also empirically identified. The research focuses on the analysis of factors and conditions that generate social inequality in the ranks of young employees. We identify the main contradictions of the process of social inequality formation and development between meritocratic factors by their nature and traditionalist factors, opportunities that a young person inherits primarily from parents.

The authors would like to express special gratitude to Anastasia Petlyakova for her help in data processing.


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How to Cite
Efendiev, A., & Rezkiy, S. (2022). Social Inequality of Employed Russian Youth: Factors and Mechanisms of Formation and Development. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 25(2), 176-213. Retrieved from