Indicators of Urban Identity as an Element of the City’s Social Space

  • Natalya Kostko Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
Keywords: city, city identity, thin, thick, situational identity, identity construction


The city, as a concentrated expression of social changes and urban identity, is the focus of attention of researchers and practitioners. Locality and the identity associated with it retain their sociality and significance in the modern world. Such attention is explained by the possibility of constructing the urban identity and social space of the city as elements of intangible development resources. It is important to determine the indicators of urban identity that characterize the modern social context of the information society, their difference from the traditional ones, the need to combine both to achieve the goals of the development of the city and citizens. The purpose of this article is a theoretical justification of the indicators of urban identity that directly or indirectly determine the social space of the city. An additional value of the research is the conceptualization of the connection between the urban identity of citizens and the social space of the city; enriching the definition of the concept of "urban identity" from the point of view of an integrated approach. This approach allows us to distinguish between urban identity and the identity of the city, to identify indicators that can be applied in conducting sociological research, as well as in the practice of management and social construction of the social space of the city.

The reported study was funded by RFBR, project no. 20-011-00305 “Social space of a smart city: methodology of development management and social construction”.


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How to Cite
Kostko, N. (2022). Indicators of Urban Identity as an Element of the City’s Social Space. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 25(1), 190-216. Retrieved from