Religious Tradition and Students’ Academic Success in Polish Catholic Schools: Developing a Private Education Sector

  • Tatiana Vlasova Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia
Keywords: sociology of education; catholic schools; social capital; religious tradition; Poland


The ways of post-socialist transformation in the Central and Eastern European countries have promoted diverse forms of the educational institutions. Paper presents the results of a qualitative sociological research that analyses the academic success of Catholic schools in Poland. The most part of private educational institutions in modern Poland are Catholic schools. When parents choose school for their children, they evaluate the quality of education. An increasing number of Catholic schools indicate importance of the Catholic values for middle class families. Sociological research was based on interviews with teachers and principals in Catholic schools in Warsaw and Gdansk (November 2015 — April 2016). Sociological analysis of school interactions with the family and the local community was focused on a broader consideration of education in terms of its openness and public accountability. Polish society, families and communities represents a complex configuration of heterogeneous values.


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How to Cite
Vlasova, T. (2017). Religious Tradition and Students’ Academic Success in Polish Catholic Schools: Developing a Private Education Sector. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 20(3), 95–110. Retrieved from