Neighborhood Assistance and Care for Older People with Chronic Diseases in Peripheral Settlements

  • Konstantin Galkin Sociological Institute of the RAS, Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: older people, rural settlements, neighborhood relations, chronic diseases, informal care of the local community


The article analyzes biographical interviews with older people who live separately in rural areas and have various chronic diseases. The article considers the specifics of assistance to such elderly people from the local community in cases when the health status of older people does not deteriorate or, on the contrary, there is a sharp deterioration in their well-being. The article analyzes the features of neighborhood relations, including the characteristic features of their formation depending on different situations; in addition, the specifics of neighborhood support for older people are considered. The empirical basis of the research is biographical interviews with older people living separately in the Luzhsky district of the Leningrad region in various settlements, as well as observations of the features of neighborhood care and neighborhood interactions and communications that exist in these settlements. The main conclusion of this study concerns the importance of the local community for the older and the potential of care that is formed in the local community to support the elderly and help the older in cases where this is necessary, in particular, when the health of the elderly does not deteriorate or, on the contrary, there is a sharp deterioration in their health and condition. The article analyzes the roles of neighbors and neighbor interactions depending on various conditions of older people and the features of interaction with neighbors during these conditions.


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How to Cite
Galkin, K. (2021). Neighborhood Assistance and Care for Older People with Chronic Diseases in Peripheral Settlements. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 24(2), 7-30. Retrieved from