Karyms and Mestizos of Buryatia: Marginal Man and/or Cultural Broker

  • Vera Galindabaeva Sociological Institute of RAS — Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Nikolai Karbainov Sociological Institute of RAS — Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: marginal man; cultural broker; Buryats; mestizos; Karyms; racial and cultural intermixing; assimilation; Buryatia.


The paper considers the main reasons for the formation and sustainability of the reproduction of mestizo identities, and how these groups exist at the borders of ethnic massifs using the example of Karyms and mestizos of Buryatia. Scientific discussions around a mixed (mestizo) population focus on how dual ethnic/racial descent of descendants from interethnic marriages affects their social status and position in society. On the one hand, scholars actively use the concept of «marginal men» on the other hand, researchers use the concept of «cultural broker/intermediary». The article is based on empirical research materials that were conducted using the historical and sociological methods. We show how the mestizo identities of Karyms and mestizos arise and are reproduced in the framework of “marginal situations” and “cultural mediation”. Karyms were excluded by Russians and Buryats on the basis of mixed origin and (or) religious affiliation, and mestizos are excluded on their appearance (phenotype). At the same time Karyms carried out cultural mediation, occupying the positions of priests, teachers, coachmen and officials. Today mestizos can act as cultural brokers in relations between federal and regional elites in difficult political conditions. The social distance between Russians and Buryats has significantly decreased over the past century, therefore, the conditions in which descendants from mixed marriages are marginalized and carry out cultural mediation have changed.


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How to Cite
Galindabaeva, V., & Karbainov, N. (2020). Karyms and Mestizos of Buryatia: Marginal Man and/or Cultural Broker. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 23(4), 204-232. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/2306