Tourists as Visitors to an Orthodox Church Temple: Interaction Analysis in the Heterotopic Space

  • Nikita Barkevich National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: temple; tourism; excursion; relics; ritual gestures; sacred and profane; videoanalysis.


The article demonstrates the situations and reveals details of the behavior of tourists in an Orthodox church. The space of the temple is defined as heterotopic, in which the sacred and profane can be ambiguous. Similar problems apply to visitors to these spaces. The first part of the article reviews tourist and pilgrim studies, which describe their experiences. Then it is described why the method of fixing such an experience in the work will be the method of ethnomethodological video analysis, which use by research of naturally occurring interactions. A number of video clips as an empirical material, taken in the Refectory Church of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, which is visited by tourists during non-liturgics time, is selected. The author focuses on the differences in organized visits as part of the tour and self-examination of the sights and objects of the temple. The order of excursion avoids encounters between tourists and pilgrims in the temple, but outside excursions, pilgrims and shrines of the temple is becoming as an object of tourist interest. A number of tourist actions stand out in the work: photographing, viewing and the making sign of the cross through which they interact with objects in the temple. The role of sequence and distance in the process of such interactions, as well as subsequent and preceding actions, is described on the example of video clips taken near the relics of Maximus the Greek. The author draws conclusions about the situationality, contextuality and practical embodiment of the heterotopy of the sacred and profane in the space of that temple.


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How to Cite
Barkevich, N. (2020). Tourists as Visitors to an Orthodox Church Temple: Interaction Analysis in the Heterotopic Space. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 23(4), 74-102. Retrieved from