“One Professorship in Sociology”: All-Russian Competition and Institutionalization of a New Department at the First Petrograd University, 1919–1922

  • Evgeniya Dolgova Russian State University for the Humanities, Mosсow, Russia
Keywords: sociology department; professors of the Petrograd University; Commissariat of Enlightenment; Pitirim Sorokin; Konstantin Takhtarev; Nikolay Gredeskul; Nikolay Kareev.


The article explores the history of the institutionalization of sociology in Russian science on the example of the establishment of a post of professor of sociology at the Faculty of law of the I Petrograd University during the all-Russian competition for the replacement of vacant departments and professors in 1918–1919. Unpublished documents of the State archive of the Russian Federation reveal the administrative process of institutionalization of new department; specify the range of applicants for professorship, characterized by its role and importance as a scientific and pedagogical center in the “new” educational field of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The study of the plot on the materials of the Central authorities of science and higher education allows us to clarify a number of issues and subjects, including the procedure of the all-Russian competition, the approval of the newly opened scientific institutions and participation in their functioning of the “old professors” and their disciples. On the example of the history of a separate Department and its departmental affiliation, the author reveals the details of organizational changes in the history of the Petrograd higher school of the first post-revolutionary years.


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How to Cite
Dolgova, E. (2019). “One Professorship in Sociology”: All-Russian Competition and Institutionalization of a New Department at the First Petrograd University, 1919–1922. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 22(5), 87-101. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/2263
The History of Social Thought in Russia