Care for the Elderly Interpreted in Russian Films

  • Ekaterina Orekh Saint Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Olga Sergeeva Saint Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: cinema; representation; iconography; care practices; old age; nursing home; visual analysis


Today's cinema is characterized by a surge of interest in the old age topic. Given that, the authors summarize the Russian cinema experience, both Soviet and contemporary, which has been released over the past four decades and devoted to caring for the elderly. Since cinema is one of the ways society reflects on itself, the authors aimed to "silver screen" overview, which allows them to fix possible changes in the legitimate ways of caring for the elderly. The authors suggest that demonstrating a person as an object of care is one of the strategies for attributing a state of old age to hero. For film analysis, the iconography method (E. Panofsky) was chosen, which explicates the rules' construction for film discourse based on thematic episodes comparisons. The authors based on the typology of care models related to the actor, which allowed to identify five ways for the organization of care in films. These are the following: living alone at home when neighbors help; living at home with a family whose members take care; living alone at home when care is carried out by specialists; accommodation in state nursing home and accommodation in a private nursing home for the elderly. According to the authors, the marginalization family care discourse in Russian films, as well as the development of the community method of care from the beginning of the 1990s (from neighbors, friends), indicates a confrontation between traditional and new care practices.


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How to Cite
Orekh, E., & Sergeeva, O. (2019). Care for the Elderly Interpreted in Russian Films. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 22(4), 120-140. Retrieved from