Russian Software: Discursive Strategies for the Framing of the Technology Policy in the Discourse of the Official Authorities

  • Nikolay Rudenko
  • Andrey Bekreev
Keywords: Russian software; governmentality; discursive strategies; Russian officials; Russian software registry; technological policy.


In the article we consider the discursive shaping of the notion “Russian software” in 2014–2017 in the discourse of the Russian official authorities. For the analysis we draw upon the approach of M. Foucault and post-Foucauldian scholars. The approach allows one to investigate the process of discursive shaping and constructing of the certain notion through the dialectics of problematization-solving a problem. Secondly, it pays attention to the concrete (bureaucratic) practices and technologies, which are deployed for implementation of articulated discourses for control the conduct of different actors. We deploy critical discourse analysis methodology and, particularly, notion of discursive strategies, to elicit implicit patterns of meanings that underlie suggestions of Russian official authorities who make and transform notion of Russian software products. In the case of Russian software we distinguish four main discursive strategies: the security (the Russian software as benign for Russian governmental and commercial spheres), the geopolitics (the Russian software as non-western software, at least non-American, as the continuing of the geopolitical interests of Russia), the protectionism (the Russian software as unpopular to the comparison of the foreign software, which needs to be supported by the financial and administrative measures), the efficiency (the Russian software as a generic and that is ruled by the common market laws). In the end of the article we shows as with the course of time after the legal shaping of the notion and after the creation of the Russian software registry the role of the Government is increasing, the hard measured excelled the soft, the range of controllable actors is evolving, the technical expertise is closing as well as the whole process of assessment of the Russian software, and, finally, the discursive strategies of protectionism and the security are prevalent.

How to Cite
Nikolay Rudenko, & Andrey Bekreev. (2018). Russian Software: Discursive Strategies for the Framing of the Technology Policy in the Discourse of the Official Authorities. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(4), 203–223. Retrieved from