XXI Century Cities: Comparative Analysis of Saskia Sassen’s and Paraga Hannah’s Theoretical Approaches

  • Kristina Gribova
Keywords: globalization; global city; urbanization; global economy; inequality; migration.


The article deals with the results of a comparative analysis of the theoretical approaches of Saskia Sassen and Paraga Khanna, defines the specifics of scientist’s ideas about the actual problems of modern society in the context of globalization. The increasing degree of complexity and intensity of social transformations of the late XX-early XXI centuries, as a result of which new forms of interconnection of elements of the global system are formed, becomes a catalyst for the emergence of various scientific concepts and scheme of scientific analysis. The purpose of the study is to consider the criteria for comparing the theoretical approaches of S. Sassen and P. Khanna, allowing to characterize the common features and differences taking into account the specifics of the research point of view. Scientific interest in these authors is due to the peculiarity of their subject field of study, namely the role of global cities in the world socio-economic and political system, global inequality, problems and prospects of international migration the research methodology is a comparative analysis that allows to highlight the common features and differences of these concepts, to systematize the key ideas of the authors and to determine the future prospects of scientific research. As a result of the study, among the common features we can distinguish the desire of S. Sassen and P. Khanna to a critical rethinking of previous ideas about the essence of globalization, the role of cities in the production and distribution of resources.
How to Cite
Kristina Gribova. (2018). XXI Century Cities: Comparative Analysis of Saskia Sassen’s and Paraga Hannah’s Theoretical Approaches. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(4), 38-62. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/170