Cultural Transformations and Globalization Trends: on the Status of “New Localities”

  • Igor Morozov
  • Irina Sleptsova
Keywords: cultural transformations; globalization trends; regional and local; glocalization; grassroots initiatives.


The article considers the patterns of cultural transformations under the influence of globalization trends in urban and rural communities in the European part of Russia. Particular attention is paid to the Kostroma region, where a combination of “retarded development” and modern technological and cultural innovations is well represented. The authors consider various variants of the “creolization” or “hybridization” of the transmittable cultural forms in interaction with the local cultural tradition and the emergence of their local versions — “new localities” or “glocalisms”. Is being discussed the role of directive prescriptions (“initiatives from above”) in the innovation processes, and the ways to assimilate these directives at the local level on the basis of group and personal values and attitudes (“initiatives from below”). The purpose of the transmittable directives is to change the structure of collective consciousness through the transformation of individual attitudes and subject-object relations within a given society (certain aspects of the social structure, behavioral stereotypes, material environment, food codes, etc.).
How to Cite
Morozov, I., & Irina Sleptsova. (2018). Cultural Transformations and Globalization Trends: on the Status of “New Localities”. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(4), 7-37. Retrieved from