“VKontakte” Fake Accounts and their Influence on the Users’ Social Network

  • Adelia Kaveyeva
  • Konstantin Gurin
Keywords: social network analysis; VKontakte; data analysis using R; fake accounts; online communities.


The paper deals with the fake accounts in online social networks and resulting data misrepresentation about the structure of network users’ interactions. Fakes create an additional noise in the data; therefore investigation of the network as a social space becomes difficult. The intervention of fakes leaves a mark on both the network structure and on its properties. The estimation of the number and influence of fakes is also important for sampling large networks, since the analysis of complete networks is often impossible because of their size.
How to Cite
Adelia Kaveyeva, & Konstantin Gurin. (2018). “VKontakte” Fake Accounts and their Influence on the Users’ Social Network. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(2), 214–231. Retrieved from http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/155