The Concept of Communicative Capitalism: Methodological Premises and Paradigmatic Positioning

  • Dmitry Gavra Saint Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Vladislav Dekalov Saint Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: : social media theory; critical theory of society; communicative capitalism.


The article explores J. Dean’s communicative capitalism theory: its genesis, reception, main directions of development, a place in the paradigm of humanitarian knowledge at the intersection of sociology, political science and media theory. We consider the basic provisions and problems of the theory: a definition of "communicative capitalism", key features and basic concepts of that formation ("fantasies", “communicative exploitation“), the theoretical and methodological premises for the theory genesis. Also we analyze the reception of Dean’s theory in Western and Russian studies, including its criticism in reviews and scientific works.


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Johanssen J. (2016) The Subject in the Crowd: A Critical Discussion of Jodi Dean’s “Crowds and Party”. tripleC, 14(2): 428–437.

Jutel O. (2017) Affective Media, Cyberlibertarianism and the New Zealand Internet Party. tripleC, 15(1): 337–354.

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Kubitschko S. (2012) Critical media studies in times of communicative capitalism: an interview with Jodi Dean. PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication. [] (дата обращения: 31.05.2017).

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Mumby D.K. Organizing beyond organization: Branding, discourse, and communicative capitalism. Organization. 2016, 23(6): 884–907.

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Morozov E. (2009) The brave new world of slacktivism. Foreign Policy. 2009. [] (дата обращения: 31.05.2017).

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Beck U. (2000) Obshhestvo riska [Risk Society]. Moscow: Progress-Tradicija (in Russian).

Candon P. (2016) Online public sphere or communicative capital? Blogs and news sites in Ireland 2010 — ’13 (PhD thesis). Dublin: Trinity College, The University of Dublin.

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Cohen N.S. (2013) Commodifying Free Labor Online: Social Media, Audiences, and Advertising. In: McAllister M.P., West E. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Advertising and Promotional Culture. New York: Routledge: 177–191.

Dean J. (2002) Publicity's Secret: How Technoculture Capitalizes on Democracy. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press.

Dean J. (2003) Why the Net is not a Public Sphere. Constellations, 10(1): 95–112.

Dean J. (2005) Communicative Capitalism: Circulation and the Foreclosure of Politics. Cultural Politics, Vol. 1 (1): 51–74.

Dean J. (2009) Democracy and other neoliberal fantasies. Communicative capitalism and left politics. Durham, London: Duke University Press.

Dean J. (2010a) Blog Theory. Cambridge; Malden: Polity Press.

Dean J. (2010b) Drive as the structure of biopolitics: economy, sovereignty, and capture. Krisis. Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 2: 2–15.

Dean J. (2012) Communist Horizon. London, New York: Verso.

Dean J. (2013) Occupy Wall Street: after the anarchist moment. Socialist Register, 49: 1–16.

Dean J. (2016) Crowds and Party. London, Brooklyn: Verso.

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Galloway A. (2012) The Interface Effect. Cambridge: Polity.

Galloway A., Thacker E., Wark M. (2014) Excommunication: three inquires in media and mediation. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press.

García-Favaro L. (2016) From Producers to Shareaholics: Changing Models of Reader Interaction in Women’s Online Magazines. tripleC. 2016, 14(2): 346–378.

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Harvey D. (2014) Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism. London: Profile Books.

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Isaac J. (2013) The mirage of Neo-Communism. DISSENT. [] (дата обращения: 31.05.2017).

Johanssen J. (2016) The Subject in the Crowd: A Critical Discussion of Jodi Dean’s “Crowds and Party”. tripleC, 14(2): 428–437.

Jutel O. (2017) Affective Media, Cyberlibertarianism and the New Zealand Internet Party. tripleC, 15(1): 337–354.

Kostakis V. (2013) At the Turning Point of the Current Techno-Economic Paradigm: Commons-Based Peer Production, Desktop Manufacturing and the Role of Civil Society in the Perezian Framework. tripleC, 11(1): 173–190.

Kreps D. (2011) Social Networking and Transnational Capitalism. tripleC, 9(2): 689–701.

Kubitschko S. (2012) Critical media studies in times of communicative capitalism: an interview with Jodi Dean. PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication. [] (accessed: 31.05.2017).

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Mason P. (2016) Postcapitalism: A Guide to our Future. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Mergner L. (2017) Review of Jodi Dean’s Crowds and Party. On Collectives, Communicative Capitalism, and Suspension of the Individual Ego. Public Seminar. [] (accessed 31.05.2017).

Morozov E. (2009) The brave new world of slacktivism. Foreign Policy [] (accessed 31.05.2017).

Mumby D.K. (2016) Organizing beyond organization: Branding, discourse, and communicative capitalism. Organization, 23(6): 884–907.

Naumova E.I. (2016) Kul'turfilosofskaja refleksija kapitalizma: konceptual'nye konstanty i diskursivnye praktiki. Dis. … d-ra f. nauk: 24.00. [Cultural and Philosophical Reflection of Capitalism: Conceptual Constants and Discursive Practices. Ph.D. thesis]. Saint Petersburg (in Russian).

Novikova A.A., Kirija I.V. (2017) Istorija i teorija media [History and Theory of Media]. Moscow: «Vysshaja shkola ekonomiki» (in Russian).

Passavant P.A., Dean J. (eds.) (2004) Empire's New Clothes: Reading Hardt and Negri. London: Routledge.

Potseluev S.P. (2010) Dialog i kvazidialog v kommunikativnykh teoryjakh demokratii [A Dialog and a Quasi-dialog in Communicative Theories of Democracy]. Rostov-na-Donu: SKAGSb (in Russian).

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Rusakova O.F., Moiseenko Y.Y. (2013) Sovremennaja politicheskaja teorija / filosofija v zerkale issledovanija Matthew J. Moore [Contemporary Political Theory / Philosophy in the Mirror of Matthew J. Moore’ Research]. Nauchnyj ezhegodnik Instituta filosofii i prava Ural'skogo otdelenija Rossijskoj akademii nauk [Science Year-Book of Institute of Philosophy and Law, The Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch]: 18–31 (in Russian).

Sevignani S. (2013) Review of the Book “Digital Labor: The Internet as Play-ground and Factory”, ed. by T. Scholz. tripleC. 11(1): 127–35.

Schöpf S. (2015) The Commodification of the Couch: A Dialectical Analysis of Hospitality Exchange Platforms. tripleC, 13(1): 11–34.

Simanowski R. (2016) Data Love: The Seduction and Betrayal of Digital Technologies. New York: Columbia University Press.

Terranova T. (2004) Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age. London: Pluto Press.

Thorburn E.D. (2016) Networked Social Reproduction: Crises in the Integrated Circuit. tripleC, 14(2): 380–396.

Wark M. (2016) A Slow Reader’s Books of the Year. Public Seminar. [] (accessed 31.05.2017).

White M. (2010) Clicktivism is ruining leftist activism. The Guardian. [] (accessed 31.05.2017).

Zhayvoronok D.A. (2016) «Solidarnost' so vsemi ubijcami dressirovshhikov!»: desubyektivacija i deindividualizacija politicheskogo v zoo-osvoboditel'nom dvizhenii [‘Solidarity With All the Trainer-Killers!’: De-individualization and De-subjectivation of Politics within the Animal Liberation Movement]. Zhurnal issledovaniy sotsial'noj politiki [The Journal of Social Policy Studies], 14(3): 393–408 (in Russian).

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Beck U. (2000) Obshhestvo riska [Risk Society]. Moscow: Progress-Tradicija (in Russian).

Candon P. (2016) Online public sphere or communicative capital? Blogs and news sites in Ireland 2010 — ’13 (PhD thesis). Dublin: Trinity College, The University of Dublin.

Castells M. (2016) Vlast' kommunikacii [Communication power]. Moscow: Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki (in Russian).

Cohen N.S. (2013) Commodifying Free Labor Online: Social Media, Audiences, and Advertising. In: McAllister M.P., West E. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Advertising and Promotional Culture. New York: Routledge: 177–191.

Dean J. (2002) Publicity's Secret: How Technoculture Capitalizes on Democracy. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press.

Dean J. (2003) Why the Net is not a Public Sphere. Constellations, 10(1): 95–112.

Dean J. (2005) Communicative Capitalism: Circulation and the Foreclosure of Politics. Cultural Politics, Vol. 1 (1): 51–74.

Dean J. (2009) Democracy and other neoliberal fantasies. Communicative capitalism and left politics. Durham, London: Duke University Press.

Dean J. (2010a) Blog Theory. Cambridge; Malden: Polity Press.

Dean J. (2010b) Drive as the structure of biopolitics: economy, sovereignty, and capture. Krisis. Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 2: 2–15.

Dean J. (2012) Communist Horizon. London, New York: Verso.

Dean J. (2013) Occupy Wall Street: after the anarchist moment. Socialist Register, 49: 1–16.

Dean J. (2016) Crowds and Party. London, Brooklyn: Verso.

Debord G. (2014) Obshhestvo spektaklja [The Society of the Spectacle]. Moscow: Opustoshitel' (in Russian).

Fuchs C. (2012) Towards Marxian Internet Studies. tripleC. 2012, 10(2): 392–412.

Galloway A. (2012) The Interface Effect. Cambridge: Polity.

Galloway A., Thacker E., Wark M. (2014) Excommunication: three inquires in media and mediation. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press.

García-Favaro L. (2016) From Producers to Shareaholics: Changing Models of Reader Interaction in Women’s Online Magazines. tripleC. 2016, 14(2): 346–378.

Giddens A. (2011) Posledstvija sovremennosti [The Consequences of Modernity]. Moscow: Praksis (in Russian).

Golovin N.A. (2016) Sovremennye sociologicheskie teorii: uchebnik i praktikum [Modern sociological theories: the textbook and the workshop]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt (in Russian).

Grachev M.N. (2004) Politicheskaja kommunikacija: teoreticheskie koncepcii, modeli, vektory razvitija: monografija [Political communication: theoretical concepts, models, development vectors: the study]. Moscow: Prometej (in Russian).

Habermas J. (2001) Moral'noe soznanie i kommunikativnoe dejstvie [Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action]. Saint Petersburg: Nauka (in Russian).

Hardt M., Negri A. (2004) Imperija [Empire]. Moscow: Praksis (in Russian).

Harkin S. (2012) A way forward for the 99%? International Socialist Review [–99] (accessed 31.05.2017).

Harvey D. (2005) A Brief History of Neolibaralism. New York: Oxford University Press.

Harvey D. (2014) Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism. London: Profile Books.

Hassan R. (2013) Networked Time and the “Common Ruin of the Contending Classes”. tripleC. 11(2): 359–374.

Hill D. (2015) The Pathology of Communicative Capitalism. London: Palgrave Pivot.

Horkheimer M., Adorno T. (1997) Dialektika prosveshhenija. Filosofskie fragmenty [Dialectic of Enlightenment. Philosophical Fragments]. Moscow: Medium (in Russian).

Isaac J. (2013) The mirage of Neo-Communism. DISSENT. [] (дата обращения: 31.05.2017).

Johanssen J. (2016) The Subject in the Crowd: A Critical Discussion of Jodi Dean’s “Crowds and Party”. tripleC, 14(2): 428–437.

Jutel O. (2017) Affective Media, Cyberlibertarianism and the New Zealand Internet Party. tripleC, 15(1): 337–354.

Kostakis V. (2013) At the Turning Point of the Current Techno-Economic Paradigm: Commons-Based Peer Production, Desktop Manufacturing and the Role of Civil Society in the Perezian Framework. tripleC, 11(1): 173–190.

Kreps D. (2011) Social Networking and Transnational Capitalism. tripleC, 9(2): 689–701.

Kubitschko S. (2012) Critical media studies in times of communicative capitalism: an interview with Jodi Dean. PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication. [] (accessed: 31.05.2017).

Lacan J. (2008) Seminary. Kniga 17: Iznanka psihoanaliza (1969/70) [The Seminar of Jacques Lacan. Book 17: The Other Side of Psychoanalysis]. Moscow: Gnozis, Logos (in Russian).

Lindgren S. (2013) The Potential and Limitations of Twitter Activism: Mapping the 2011 Libyan Uprising. tripleC, 11(1): 207–220.

Mason P. (2016) Postcapitalism: A Guide to our Future. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Mergner L. (2017) Review of Jodi Dean’s Crowds and Party. On Collectives, Communicative Capitalism, and Suspension of the Individual Ego. Public Seminar. [] (accessed 31.05.2017).

Morozov E. (2009) The brave new world of slacktivism. Foreign Policy [] (accessed 31.05.2017).

Mumby D.K. (2016) Organizing beyond organization: Branding, discourse, and communicative capitalism. Organization, 23(6): 884–907.

Naumova E.I. (2016) Kul'turfilosofskaja refleksija kapitalizma: konceptual'nye konstanty i diskursivnye praktiki. Dis. … d-ra f. nauk: 24.00. [Cultural and Philosophical Reflection of Capitalism: Conceptual Constants and Discursive Practices. Ph.D. thesis]. Saint Petersburg (in Russian).

Novikova A.A., Kirija I.V. (2017) Istorija i teorija media [History and Theory of Media]. Moscow: «Vysshaja shkola ekonomiki» (in Russian).

Passavant P.A., Dean J. (eds.) (2004) Empire's New Clothes: Reading Hardt and Negri. London: Routledge.

Potseluev S.P. (2010) Dialog i kvazidialog v kommunikativnykh teoryjakh demokratii [A Dialog and a Quasi-dialog in Communicative Theories of Democracy]. Rostov-na-Donu: SKAGSb (in Russian).

Ritzer G. (2002) Sovremennye sociologicheskie teorii [Modern Sociological Theory]. Saint Petersburg: Piter (in Russian).

Rusakova O.F., Moiseenko Y.Y. (2013) Sovremennaja politicheskaja teorija / filosofija v zerkale issledovanija Matthew J. Moore [Contemporary Political Theory / Philosophy in the Mirror of Matthew J. Moore’ Research]. Nauchnyj ezhegodnik Instituta filosofii i prava Ural'skogo otdelenija Rossijskoj akademii nauk [Science Year-Book of Institute of Philosophy and Law, The Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch]: 18–31 (in Russian).

Sevignani S. (2013) Review of the Book “Digital Labor: The Internet as Play-ground and Factory”, ed. by T. Scholz. tripleC. 11(1): 127–35.

Schöpf S. (2015) The Commodification of the Couch: A Dialectical Analysis of Hospitality Exchange Platforms. tripleC, 13(1): 11–34.

Simanowski R. (2016) Data Love: The Seduction and Betrayal of Digital Technologies. New York: Columbia University Press.

Terranova T. (2004) Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age. London: Pluto Press.

Thorburn E.D. (2016) Networked Social Reproduction: Crises in the Integrated Circuit. tripleC, 14(2): 380–396.

Wark M. (2016) A Slow Reader’s Books of the Year. Public Seminar. [] (accessed 31.05.2017).

White M. (2010) Clicktivism is ruining leftist activism. The Guardian. [] (accessed 31.05.2017).

Zhayvoronok D.A. (2016) «Solidarnost' so vsemi ubijcami dressirovshhikov!»: desubyektivacija i deindividualizacija politicheskogo v zoo-osvoboditel'nom dvizhenii [‘Solidarity With All the Trainer-Killers!’: De-individualization and De-subjectivation of Politics within the Animal Liberation Movement]. Zhurnal issledovaniy sotsial'noj politiki [The Journal of Social Policy Studies], 14(3): 393–408 (in Russian).

Zizek S. (1999) Vozvyshennyj obyekt ideologii [The Sublime Object of Ideology]. Moscow: Khudozhestvennyj zhurnal (in Russian).

How to Cite
Gavra, D., & Dekalov, V. (2018). The Concept of Communicative Capitalism: Methodological Premises and Paradigmatic Positioning. ZHURNAL SOTSIOLOGII I SOTSIALNOY ANTROPOLOGII (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 21(1), 27–43. Retrieved from