Социальный капитал в решении социальных проблем: практики солидарности бедных в Республике Коми

  • Т.С. Лыткина
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This study explores the practices of solidarity, self-help and self-organization as a form of social interaction addressing a social problem of poverty. The article deals with the practice of pooling resources and efforts by most vulnerable groups who, because of limited material and social resources, cannot solve their problems without the support of other social groups, foundations, businesses and government. Special emphasis is put on effective use of social capital in the solution of social problems, and on identification of obstacles to the growth of social welfare in Russia.
Как цитировать
Лыткина, Т. (2012). Социальный капитал в решении социальных проблем: практики солидарности бедных в Республике Коми . ЖУРНАЛ СОЦИОЛОГИИ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ АНТРОПОЛОГИИ, 15(3), 130–154. извлечено от http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/953