Трансформация ценностного сознания населения современной России в постсоветское время в контексте постнеклассической науки (на примере интегрального подхода К. Уилбера)

  • М.И. Гаськова


The purpose of my work is to analyze some of the main tendencies in the process of transformation of values of the Russian population during the period from Perestroika until present time, and to find the grounds to interpret the observed empirical data within the theoretical framework of several modern approaches (including the ones of K. Wilber, D. Beck, and C. Cowan). These theories are considered to be a part of a broader post non-classical paradigm of knowledge. Methodologically they serve as a unique research perspective into different kinds of phenomena from a holistic standpoint. In the article I make comparative analysis of empirical data of local longitudinal studies conducted in Novosibirsk region, as well as all-Russian and international research on values.
Как цитировать
Гаськова, М. (2012). Трансформация ценностного сознания населения современной России в постсоветское время в контексте постнеклассической науки (на примере интегрального подхода К. Уилбера) . ЖУРНАЛ СОЦИОЛОГИИ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ АНТРОПОЛОГИИ, 15(3), 69–85. извлечено от http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/949