Историческая и сравнительная социология в глобальном мире

  • В. Шпон
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The main theoretical approaches in world historical sociology are considered in the article. Perspectives on historical sociology in the works of the leading American and European researchers are characterized. Four forms of globally oriented historical sociology are discussed: international comparative-historical sociology, trans-cultural comparative-historical sociology, historical sociology of globalization, historical sociology of world society.
Как цитировать
Шпон, В. (2014). Историческая и сравнительная социология в глобальном мире . ЖУРНАЛ СОЦИОЛОГИИ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ АНТРОПОЛОГИИ, 17(2), 55–69. извлечено от http://jourssa.ru/jourssa/article/view/625
Историческая социология и цивилизационный анализ